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How to stop my cat from peeing on my bed

There are multiple problems with cats, but peeing on the bed, sofa, pillow, etc. is the most irritating and frustrating. I know nobody would be able to tolerate this.

Though it’s a common problem among cats but the reason could be different behind this behavior. That’s why I wrote this in-depth guide, which contains all my experiences, how I fixed my kitty’s peeing problem on the bed and what could be the possible reasons.

Why Do Cats Pee on Beds? Let’s Understand the Cause

There are mainly 2-3 reasons why your cat pees on the bed but what I feel is due to insecurity and litter box setup.

If your cat pees on the bed every time that means your kitty wants to tell you something. It’s a way for them to communicate. You have to be a little bit detective and figure out what she/he is trying to tell you whether your cat is in pain or feeling sick. Apart from the insecurity, your cat might not like its litter box setup.

Yes, you heard it right, cats do feel insecure when they sense someone is closer to their owner in the household and not getting enough love, attention & affection. Because of this, they start seeking places that have the smell of their owner and bed is one of them.

But why do they only pee on similar things like bed, not on clothes? Because cats like resting on soft, fluffy and super comfy stuff.

Litter Box Preferences or Problems

Cats are very particular about their litter box and if it doesn’t align with their preferences they start littering out of their box. There are a few scenarios when the cat starts littering outside of their litter box: when it’s not clean, unable to fit in, location of the litter box, etc.

Note: If your cat is older or has some injuries then do remember they need easy access to the litter box otherwise they will choose to pee on the bed. If your kitten does this, it’s understandable she/he doesn’t have much knowledge of where to pee, and what’s the right place.

Stress or Anxiety

Sudden changes in the environment can lead to stress or anxiety in cats. It could happen because of any changes in the litter box, the coming of a new member in the household or the addition of a new cat or pet, noise, change in routine, etc.

Cats are very sensitive and moody. They can’t adapt the changes quickly. This may lead to frequent urination in the cat. You need to take care of the little-little things around them.

Health Problems

Cats do easily get health issues, especially inappropriate urination. Urinary tract infections (UTIs), kidney disease, diabetes, and bladder stones are common in cats and can cause painful urination, leading them to avoid the litter box.

But How Do I get to know my cat has a health problem?

● First, check the style of the cat while urinating.

  • See if the cat is making any painful noise.
  • Is your cat feeling sick?

If you find anything matching these checks, immediately take your cat to the vet to rule out the medical issue.

Territorial Marking Behavior

Felines have a habit of marking their territory through their urine to tell other cats that it’s their place. The only way to recognize this behavior is if they spray while urinating that means they are marking and become aggressive. It can only happen if you have another pet in your house.

How to Stop Your Cat From Peeing on Bed

Stopping your cat from peeing on the bed is a bit challenging but not impossible. I assume that you have diagnosed what’s causing the issue. So, here are some working tips that I use in my case.

1. Improving the Litter Box Setup

According to a survey, about 70% of cat owners with litter box problems resolved them by changing litter or improving cleanliness.

Cats are very specific about their litter box. They learn very quickly where to pee and poop but when they sense something wrong with the litter box they start peeing outside the box.

To avoid this issue, you must deep clean the litter box, check the location because the cat wants privacy and a quiet safe place to go to the bathroom. Try placing scented beads or non-scented beads. Try placing multiple litter boxes at different locations in the house.

Do remember if you have more than one cat then there should be one litter box each and an additional litter box where they can share it. Some cats are choosy and you should at least put one extra litter box in the house.

2. Reducing Stress and Anxiety

Cats do get stressed easily as they are very sensitive which leads to peeing frequently where they rest. To make them stress and anxiety-free, you need to play with them, show love and affection, and give attention.

Create a safe space for them, where they can spend me-time which cats do like to do the most. Provide a comfortable spot with their bed, food, water, and toys.

Cats take time to adapt to the changes in their routine which cause anxiety and stress. To get them back into routine keep them busy with toys or play with them, and make them sleep in regular time. 

3. Prevent Accessing to the Bed

Simply close the door of your bedroom all the time is the best option to prevent your cat from peeing on the bed. If you can’t close the door for any reason, apply a mattress protector beneath the bed sheet. It will act as a deterrent, and cats like a soft, cushiony place to rest.

Also! Clean your sheets thoroughly, if it smells like a pee area, it will become a pee area for them and they will prefer peeing there only.

Generally, I have heard people do say to use some kind of citrus scent or essential oil in your bedroom as cats do not like but I find it’s more of a subjective side. It’s a myth and yes, essential oil is not good for cat health so avoid using that.

4. Avoid Punishment and Give Treats

Never punish your cat for urinating on the bed, as this can increase anxiety and worsen the problem. Cats don’t respond well to punishment, and it’s likely to create more mess. It’s better to make them understand sweetly and give them treats time to time. They are pampering pets.

How to get cat urine out of a mattress?

Cat urine has a very strong odor and it needs to be cleaned immediately before the mattress absorbs. In case your cat peed when you were not present, and the mattress has absorbed urine, how are you gonna find that spot? No worries, I will tell you how to find and remove the stain in that situation.


  • Paper towels
  • UV Light
  • Washcloths
  • Baking soda
  • Vacuum
  • Water
  • Distilled white vinegar
  • Bucket
  • Hydrogen peroxide (Optional)
  • Liquid dish soap
  • Plastic spray bottle

Step-by-Step Method

  1. Turn off the room light and flash the UV light on the bed. If you see any glowing spot, that is where your cat peed because cat urine does glow in the dark.
  2. Take the paper towel and try to soak all the possible urine. Do it till the paper towel stays dry. Do not press the towel forcefully.
  3. Now, take out the bedsheet and wash it alone and if possible, use your hands; washing it in the washing machine isn’t recommended.
  4. Now, find the location where the cat peed, sprinkle the baking soda on the wet stain, and repeat the process until the baking soda stops getting yellow.
  5. Vacuum over the area when dry.
  6. Now, let’s remove the odor by combining water and vinegar in 2:1.
  7. Rub over the stain with the solution using a washcloth.
  8. When the solution dries up, clean it with lukewarm water.
  9. Now, let’s get rid of stain and odor. Mix the 2 tbsp of baking soda and 2 cups of hydrogen peroxide (optional). If you don’t have hydrogen peroxide, you can use a vinegar and water mixture and two squirts of liquid dish soap in a plastic spray bottle. Spray on the stain and rinse with warm water.
  10. Keeping the mattress under the sun is necessary for those who didn’t use hydrogen peroxide in the solution.

That’s all. Try it and do let me know, how well it worked for you.


Q1. Do cats pee where they sleep?

Ans. Generally, cats don’t pee where they sleep. In case they pee that means they are suffering from some medical or behavioral (stress or anxiety) issues.

Q2. why does my cat pee on soft things?

Ans. Cats urinate somewhere they find more comforting since your bed is soft and absorbent. It makes a good alternative.

Q3. Should I Punish my cat for peeing on the bed?

Ans. Punishing your cat for peeing on the bed can backfire on you and might increase your stress level 😂. Cats’ behavior is not similar to dogs. Giving no treats to dogs makes them understand that they did something wrong, but cats react differently. They may come under stress or may get angry and might take revenge.

Instead of punishing them, you can try to change their habits like limited bedroom access, and make them play longer so they get tired and feel less stressed, experiment with the litter box and you can try using pet-safe deterrents.

Q4. What type of cleaner should I use to remove the smell of cat urine from my bed?

Ans. Enzyme-based cleaners are best for removing cat urine because they break down the uric acid in cat urine, which homemade (vinegar water mixture) or regular cleaners can’t fully eliminate. Enzymatic cleaners are specifically designed to neutralize pet odors, preventing cats from being drawn back to the same spot by lingering scents.

Q5. Can I use citrus scents or essential oils to prevent my cat from the bed?

Ans. If you’re thinking that using essential oils or citrus scents prevents your cat from entering a specific place then let me tell you it’s all a myth. It’s not proven, and one Reddit user shared that his cat liked that citrus smell instead of repelling it.

Essential oil is not good for the cat’s health as my vet recommended. Essential oil can be ingested through grooming so, be careful before adding essential oil to your humidifier or any other place.

Generally, cats don’t give F*** about these things but after all, they are animals we can’t guess their mood.

Q6. Should I consider consulting a feline behaviorist?

Ans. If you’ve tried multiple solutions and your cat continues to urinate on the bed, you can try consulting a professional animal behaviorist especially one who deals in feline or take them to the vet asap.


Dealing with a cat peeing on the bed is super frustrating and annoying but with a calm mind and the right way you can solve this problem. It’s not too hard to resolve or impossible, you just need to act smart. Cats have the ability to learn quickly where to pee and poop it’s just that they are having some kind of issue that is why they are peeing on your bed.

If the cat is peeing only on your bed then they are not doing it to make you angry or out of spite or revenge. Your kitty is trying to tell you something. You need to apply a permutation combination and find out which problem is causing the main issue.

After applying all the tips and things that don’t get resolved, take your kitty to the vet for a health checkup and it is important to take your cat for a deep health checkup at least 1 time in 12 months apart from regular checkups.

Now, I’m wrapping up this guide and hope you found this article helpful and resolved your cat’s peeing problem. If it does then do appreciate it in the comment section or if you have any tips or suggestions I’m open to it as well.