Welcome to Kyla Miller's Blog

Meow Miller

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Hello Cat lovers! I’m Kyla Miller, also known as the “Cat Queen of Shelburne”, a cute little town in Vermont USA (the cat capital of America)

My love for cats started when I was very young. My cat loving parents and the neighborhood that I grew up instilled the early obsession in me for my feline friends. All my early cat adventures are with “Simon” a Maine coon and “JUJI” a Ragdoll.

My fondness of cats grew along with me, and I could never think of any other profession beyond cats, At 35 I run my little cat kingdom called “Purrfect Shelburne” where I dive into everything feline behavior, cat care tips and many more.

I am CFTBS certified cat behavior expert, an active member of TICA and a board member of an incredible Non-profit called “Queen city cats” helping stray and abandoned cats find their forever homes. These things always keep me engaged and immersed in the world of feline care.

I started this blog to spread cat love and offer reliable and no-nonsense advice to cat parents to make their life easy and joyful. Mee too was a victim of sketchy and immature advice online and I know I wanted to create a trustworthy space for cat parents- and here we are!

When I am not busy with my feline clients, you will find me geeking and testing latest cat gadgets that improve cat life for cats and their owners, whether it is cat toys, feeders or litter boxes, I love to stay on top of the trends and tech.

In this blog you will find fun insights, practical tips & heartwarming stories from my everyday adventures in cat care, plus my recommendations and reviews of must have cat gadgets for every cat owner. I hope something here makes you learn, smile and be informed to better connect with your feline friends.

Thanks for stopping by, lets explore the feline world, One purr at a time.


How to Tell What Breed My Cat Is

Cats are awesome with their unique looks and personalities. If you’ve ever wondered what breed your cat is, you’re not alone. I’ve asked myself that too. Some cats have clear features that indicate a specific breed, while others are a little more mysterious. Finding out your cat’s breed can be fun and also give you

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How to stop my cat from peeing on my bed

There are multiple problems with cats, but peeing on the bed, sofa, pillow, etc. is the most irritating and frustrating. I know nobody would be able to tolerate this. Though it’s a common problem among cats but the reason could be different behind this behaviour. That’s why I wrote this in-depth guide, which contains all

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How to stop cat from scratching door?

Changing the cat’s location every time is not gonna help you because they will find another location. You need to look for something strong and feasible solution. But where you gonna get that? Obviously, from this article only! Here are some of the working tips that I suggest to every cat parent. Why Do Cats

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How long can you leave a cat alone with automatic feeder

In the life of a pet owner, one day comes when they have to leave their alone at least for once and that’s the most stressful period. Leaving your cat home alone for a 9 to 5 job with an automatic cat feeder is still ok to manage but leaving them for days is a

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How to get cat to use scratching post

I still remember among all the training, teaching a cat “how to use scratch post” was one of the easiest training sessions for me like literally it took only a minute to tell my kitty what was good or what not. But I know for everybody it’s not the same. In the last article, we

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How Tight a Cat Collar Should Be

If you are a cat owner like me, you must have asked yourself this question, what collar fits my cat best? Stylish is great, but do not forget the health factor, because your cat’s well-being greatly depends on how it fits. I learned this the hard way when I first got my cat, Luna. Her

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